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Skincare products that aren’t worth your money:

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5 min read
Aug 22

Have you ever spent a fortune on skincare products that were everywhere in ads and regretted it because they didn’t live up to their promises or improve your skin at all? In the end, it was a waste of money, and those products were either thrown away or are now collecting dust on your shelf.

A sad shopping experience that most of us can relate to!

Skincare products often come with a hefty price tag, and it can be frustrating when they fail to deliver results.

So, keep in mind, not everything promoted as an “absolute necessity” is beneficial to the skin. Some products don’t actually do anything, making it important to research before adding anything to your shopping list.

But how can one differentiate which products are worth buying and which aren’t?

To spare you from further letdown, here’s a list of skincare products that you can skip, as they aren’t worth your hard-earned money.

Sheet masks are thin facial masks soaked in liquid essence or serum for direct application. These masks claim to give intense and long-lasting hydration but in reality, they provide momentary hydration that wears off quickly. They are also expensive since they are single-use masks.

In addition, the majority of these masks are non-biodegradable, which means they end up in landfills.

Budget-friendly solution: Invest in a high-quality moisturizer that does the same job for you. In fact, better when applied consistently.

2. Toner:

In earlier times, soaps and cleansers contained high-alkaline content which stripped the skin’s moisture and disrupted the skin barrier, necessitating the use of toners. Therefore, toners were introduced which helped maintain the pH balance and remove any residue that remained on the skin.

Budget-friendly solution: You can avoid using toners by using mild cleansers instead. These cleansers effectively remove all dirt and makeup from the face while preserving the skin’s natural pH balance and barrier.

3. Eye cream: Yes, eye cream!

“The under-eye area is more delicate than the rest of the face, so they require extra care.”

A scientific fact as well as a catchphrase that most companies use to increase sales.

Contrary to popular belief, most of us do not need an eye cream as part of our skincare regimen unless you notice prominent dark circles, puffiness or fine wrinkles.

Budget-friendly solution: Use a well-formulated skin moisturizer or hydrating serum and sunscreen. The ingredients in the eye creams and moisturizers are almost identical, but moisturizers won’t likely sting the eyes like most eye creams do.

4. Face scrub:

Face scrubs are microbead-infused exfoliating creams. These microbeads remove dirt, impurities and blackheads present on the surface of the skin. But!!! The tiny granules present in the face scrubs can also cause micro-tears, irritation and redness.

Budget-friendly solution: Opt for an effective chemical exfoliant such as AHA or BHA serum which will gently remove dead skin cells. These serums work their magic by penetrating deep into the skin and revealing clear, smooth skin.

5. Face oil:

Face oils are an expensive addition to the skincare regimen. It acts as a barrier and keeps the skin’s moisture levels balanced. However, there are a few things to be aware of. It is best suited for those with dry skin, but those with oily and combination skin types may experience breakouts.

Face oils may be also be comedogenic, which can lead to clogged pores.

Budget-friendly solution: Instead, use a good moisturizer or hydrating serum. It will protect your skin and keep it well-hydrated while saving you tons of money.

6. Face tools:

Jade Roller and Gua Sha are the most popular face tools that super models and celebrities promote online.

Jade roller is used to increase the blood flow throughout the face and neck area. Gua sha, on the other hand, is used to give the face a more sculpted appearance while reducing face fat and double chin.

However, there is no scientific proof that these tools deliver the dramatic changes they claim to.

Depending on the type of stone used, these products can be expensive.

Budget-friendly solution: The best substitute that wouldn’t cost you a penny is to use your fingers. Use them to massage and stimulate the blood flow to your face.

The bottom line:

As the skincare industry continues to launch a new skincare product every other day and advertise it as a “must-have” for everyone, it’s important to understand that most skincare products don’t do anything and aren’t worth your money.

So, the next time you go shopping for skincare, make sure you do some research on the products, their ingredients, and benefits to see if they actually address your skin concerns or they’re just another marketing gimmick.

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